One Single Facial Treatment: Long Lasting Results

This treatment has little to no downtime and gets incredible results..

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Are you ready to embark on a journey towards smoother, tighter, and more radiant skin?

Look no further than Roxana Aesthetics, where we proudly introduce Thermage® FLX, a groundbreaking non-invasive radiofrequency (RF) therapy that's set to revolutionize your skincare routine.

Periorbital Wrinkles? Bid Them Adieu!

Are those periorbital wrinkles giving you a perpetual tired look? Thermage® FLX is your ultimate solution! It's designed to combat periorbital wrinkles and rhytids, including those stubborn ones on the upper and lower eyelids. Imagine waking up every day to brighter, more youthful-looking eyes that reflect the true you.

Smoother, Tighter, and Contoured Skin – All in One Package!


With Thermage® FLX, achieving the dream of smoother, tighter, and more contoured skin is as simple as 1-2-3! This innovative therapy provides a non-invasive solution for wrinkles and rhytids, leaving your skin refreshed and rejuvenated. And that's not all – it's perfect for temporarily improving the appearance of cellulite, too.

Optimized Energy Delivery for Outstanding Results!

Thanks to AccuREPTM technology, Thermage® FLX offers automatic calibration, ensuring optimized energy delivery tailored to your skin's needs. Think of it as a personal energy boost for your skin!

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